HOT AIR offers a range of payment options for your Balloon Ride/Gift Voucher/Tour Package.

Below please find instructions for payment.

Pay by Credit Card to our Phone Reservations - 7 Days 

Phone us, we will make your reservation immediatly, please give us your credit card number, type, expiry date - your booking will be confirmed immediately by phone.

Or pay by Credit Card Online -

Click on the balloon tour you want and then click the BOOK NOW button, which takes you to our secure payment site, you will then be taken to our online shopping cart and your credit card can be processed online and confirmed immediately.

Or pay by Direct Deposit

Please call or email us your booking details and advise that your would like to Direct Deposit your payment.
We will make the reservation and advise you of your Booking reference number. 
Please make sure you put your first and last name as the reference (or the booking ID given to you at time of booking).  Please send us a copy of the direct payment advise to [email protected] or fax to 07 4039 9999.  Or email [email protected] and tell us you have Direct Debited.  We will then reply with confirmation.

Please allow 5 clear working days for this after your last deposit.   Login to your bank and send your direct payment to:

Cairns/Palm Cove/Port Douglas Bookings

Westpac, 63 Lake Street, Cairns, Queensland, 4870, Australia
Account name: Hot Air Pty Ltd
BSB:               034 167    International Swift code  WPACAU2S
Account:         305 055

Gold Coast Bookings

Account name: Hot Air Pty Ltd
BSB:               034 167
ACC:              339 175

Just to repeat - BEFORE you deposit go ahead and make a booking with us using our BOOK NOW Button and form - then in the comments tell us that you want to direct deposit
We will make the reservation and send you back a reference number.
As part of your deposit process then make sure you put your first and last name as the reference (or the booking ID given to you at time of booking).  Please send us a copy of the direct payment advise to [email protected] or fax to 07 4039 9999.  Or email [email protected] and tell us you have Direct Debited.  We will then reply with confirmation of receipt.

Please note, all direct payments must be made before 5 working days of balloon flight booking date to allow clearance.  Direct deposit preffered rather than Cheque which takes  even longer to clear. Thank You.