カナングラ・ホテル(Canungra Hotel)
住所:18 Kidston St, Canungra
創業当時はベリッシマ・ゲストハウス(Bellissima Guest House)として、カナングラホテル(The Canungra Hotel)は1916年にオープンしました。はじまりは製材所のオーナーであったロバート・レイヒーが自分の工場に点検等で訪れる人たちのために宿を提供したことから始まり、クイーンズランド州でいちばん良いホテルだという評判までたちました。 ホテルの名前は、レイヒーと彼の家族がアイルランドからオーストラリアに渡航したときの船の名前をとってつけられました。自家電力を生産できる機械や、当時としてはめずらしく下水道等も整っているホテルでした。ホテルとしての経営許可が最初に降りたのは、1928年にバーナード・ウィリアム・コナガーンにでした。
経営許可が降りたあと、ゲストハウス内にバーが設立されました。創業のゲストハウスは1937年1月22日に倒壊され、シドニーのMr.Shawをオーナーとしてカナングラホテル(Canungra Hotel)が建てられました。1937年10月9にはホテル内のバーも新しく改装されました。
オーストラリアン・ホテル、ブーナ(Australian Hotel, Boonah)
住所:32 High St, Boonah
Australian Hotel Boonah 1902
THE Australian Hotel, which Boonah locals affectionately call the Aussie, is thought to be the town’s first pub.
It was built on its existing High Street site in 1888 and was established by the Blumberg family and opened under the management of Mr FW Wilkins, who had ‘considerable experience as a publican in California and elsewhere, and as he is about to erect a billiard room and there is excellent shooting in the vicinity, no doubt his entrepreneurship will be well rewarded’ (QT 18 April, 1889).
However Mr Wilkins’ tenure was not long-lived and in 1890 Adolph Blumberg took over the hotel. Later the hotel was run by Mrs Elizabeth Blumberg, widow of Levi.
The pub in the 1940s a dining room was added, along with a gentlemen’s room.A photograph in the Boonah Archives shows a group of well-dressed men sitting on the balcony of the Australian Hotel being given a demonstration in the new phonograph machine. The picture is thought to have been taken around 1905.The pub has starred in a feature film, alongside Aussie actor William McInnes, and Brenda says overnight guests may come face to face with the pub’s resident ghost.But have no fear, she’s very friendly.
Commercial Hotel, Boonah
39 High St, Boonah
Commerical Hotel Boonah
BOONAH’S ornate Commercial Hotel was built on its present site in 1904. Before it was built, the site was home to the Royal Exchange Hotel (formerly the Dugandan Hotel).
According to the Fassifern Guardian the owner of the former Royal Exchange, JC Streiner, had been leasing the hotel out since 1887 and had tried to sell it in 1890.
His lessees didn’t stay for long and by the turn of the century the facilities were said to be out of date and suffering under the stiff competition put up by the Australian Hotel and Simon’s Hotel. It is believed that when Robert Denner took up the license in 1904, Streiner was already planning a grand new building.
Dugandan Hotel
Corner of Rathdowney and Mt French Roads, Boonah
Carl Stumer's General Store - Dugandan Hotel Site
MUCH conjecture surrounds the history of the Dugandan Hotel. In some circles it is believed to be Boonah’s oldest pub building, built by the Stumer family in 1886. However those who subscribe to this argument say it is not the area’s oldest pub, due to it starting life as a general store, before being transformed into a hotel in the early 1900s.
However an article published in the Fassifern Guardian in 2006 argues that the Dugandan Hotel was actually a new building, commissioned by the Goan Family, and constructed to replace the Stumer store.
An article in the October 9, 1909 edition of the Fassifern Guardian says: ‘Mr Goan’s fine new hotel at Dugandan is now almost completed and it is expected that everything will be in readiness for opening business on or about the 27th.’
Later in the month the Guardian reported: ‘The new hotel at Dugandan is now completed. We were shown over the building yesterday by the builder, Mr Vincent, and were impressed with the thorough workmanship put into its construction. Now that the structure is complete to all outward appearance it looks quite an architectural acquisition.” The article went onto outline the features of the hotel, which included accommodation, a cellar and water tanks to ensure cool liquor, a kitchen and servants’ rooms.
Simon’s Tavern, Boonah
High Street, Boonah
THE Simon’s Tavern which stands in Boonah’s High Street looks nothing like the ornate hotel which first opened its doors on the site in 1902.
Carl Gustav Simon was the original developer and owner and Simon’s Tavern. A Fassifern Guardian story suggests the pub was the result of a German Lottery win for Simon and his two friends.
The trio shared the winning 2000 pound windfall and Gustav Simon decided to use his new fortune to build an impressive two-storey hotel beside his existing saddler building. He engaged local architect, Edward de Saluz Kretshmer to design the building. By 1902 it was open for business.
A story in the Fassifern Advocate on September 13 said: “Would you find a second hotel in Queensland that could compare with this; with its paneled walls in all rooms and passages throughout the whole building? An hotel which, besides the bar, can boast of 30 lofty and well-ventilated rooms, and where the proprietor, standing inside the bar, can overlook the front and back entrance, and at the same time can see through the doors of six rooms and conveniently serve at three bar tables.
“As to the outside appearance of the hotel, those who have seen the freshmen kiosk of Mr Muling in the Brisbane gardens, or the mansion of the Royal Bank, Gladstone Road, South Brisbane, and even the German Hotel at Woolloongabba, will be able to form an idea as to its lofty and elegant forms.” However despite winning the lottery, Gustav was apparently nearly bankrupted by the cost of building the large ornate hotel. One local historian says Gustav’s finances were so tight that he was forced to wear a shop-bought suit to the opening. It was only that his friend and successful local businessman, Charlie Behrendorff agreed to lend him money, that Gustav was able to finish the southern weatherboard wall of his hotel in Crows Ash weatherboards.
Gustav Simon died on April 11, 1905. The original Simon’s Tavern was destroyed and was replaced by the current building in the 1970s.
St Bernard’s Hotel
101 Alpine Terrace, Mount Tamborine
ST Bernard’s Hotel was built by Robert Muir in 1881 on the site of the present council quarry as an accommodation house for its managers and staff. Muir bought almost 2000 acres of heavy scrubland at the top of the southern end of Tamborine Mountain, with the intention of growing sugar cane on the cleared land. But Mr Muir was drowned in the flooded Logan River at Yatala in 1887.The new owners started a village settlement and moved St Bernard’s to its present site in 1898. Over the years St Bernard’s has had many roles, including post office receiving centre. In 1915 it was licensed and during the 1920s St Bernard’s was used as a convalescent Private Hotel and accommodation house for up to 100 guests.Today St Bernard’s offers visitors a country home-style atmosphere with the warm ambience you’d expect to find in a country pub. Sit under the pub’s 100-year-old trees and take in the coastal views.