What’s the difference between a 30 minute & 60 minute flight? Which is better?
Unlike other operators, our flight times are MINIMUM flight times
Look at the small print of other operators and you will see their flight times are stated as approximate and a one hour flight can be as little as 40 minutes.
With Hot Air your flight will often go for longer than the flight time stated, and the flight time is a minimum.
On rare occasions the balloon may land early for safety and flight planning reasons
You will fly longer on a 60 minute flight, and dont worry you will see different scenery as the balloon flies to one direction only on a journey across the landscape
The 60 minute flight is increasingly popular as the upgrade cost of just $49 takes in double the flight time
Howevr the majority of our customers chose the flight with the minimum flight time of 30 mins (often a little longer by the time we find somewhere to land) and LOVE it, finsing it just enough and all at a great price point.Can we go to the launch site? Can our friends/family meet us at launch site to watch?
The quick answer is no you cant drive your own vehicle to watch us take off at our launch site, although of course the balloons are visible from many places in the district between about 6am and 7.30am this can vary by as much as 50km in either direction.
As we are entering Private properties, with specific permissions, we have a responsibility to know who is under our control and who is not, also those people travelling with us officially are covered by our Insurance on behalf of the property as a requirement
We take off at a different location everyday, depending on the wind direction and speed, so we never know in advance where that will be and the decision on a launch site location is only taken just before dawn. We are unable to say where this will be to guide you therefore.
It is possible to reserve a seat on our vehicle as a "spectator" however and our staff will ensure you are in all the best places to take photos and be with your flying loved ones if that is your aim. You'll travel in air conditioned comfort and breakfast at O'Reiillys vineyard is included. We will need to reserve you a spot on our bus however so you must tell us in advance you wish to come along and spectate.
The cost for a spectator is $70 per person which includes return transfer, balloon chase and champagne breakfast ($60 in Cairns/Port Douglas as no breakfast is included in tours).
For self-drivers, the best and closet point to the launch site to drive to is Canungra Tourist Information Centre from Gold Coast and Brisbane.
For balloon rides on the Atherton Tablelands, please meet us at Mareeba Heritage Centre for those travelling from Cairns and Port Douglas.